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June 4, 2024: Spangler Lab welcomes Ph.D. student Pilar O'Neal

June 1, 2024: Spangler Lab receives Melanoma Research Alliance Pilot Award

May 13, 2024: Spangler Lab welcomes research assistant professor Kaitlin Johnson

April 1, 2024: Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate students Ella Teeley and Claire Fuller

March 15, 2024: Dr. Spangler is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure

March 1, 2024: Spangler Lab receives Chan Zuckerberg Initiative grant with Lippmann Lab

February 15, 2024: Spangler Lab receives a Stage 2 Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award

February 1, 2024: Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate student Rowan O'Flanagan

January 5, 2024: Spangler Lab welcomes Ph.D. students Nikol Garcia and Justin Paoloni

December 15, 2023: Spangler Lab welcomes master's student Jiashan Zong

September 19, 2023: Spangler Lab leads Johns Hopkins subaward on ARPA-H grant led by Dr. Omid Veiseh at Rice University

September 19, 2023: Graduate student Paul Sargunas is named a Siebel Scholar


September 14, 2023: Graduate student Aliyah Silver defends her PhD thesis

September 1, 2023: Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate student Samuel Bernstein

July 1, 2023: Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate students Lauren Halloran and Nol Nimmanpipak

June 1, 2023: Spangler Lab receives Kenneth Rainin Foundation Innovator Award


April 1, 2023: Spangler Lab receives Helmsley Charitable Trust Grant

March 22, 2023: Graduate student Derek VanDyke defends his PhD thesis

March 15, 2023: Spangler Lab welcomes research assistant professor Dr. Jakub Tomala

March 1, 2023: Spangler and Price labs receive SBIR Phase II Award

February 1, 2023: Spangler Lab welcomes postdoctoral fellow Dr. Anjali Shenoy

December 1, 2022: Spangler Lab receives WW Smith Charitable Trust Grant


October 15, 2022: Jamie Spangler receives an Amgen Young Investigator Award


September 1, 2022: Spangler Lab welcomes master's student Ben Tan

July 1, 2022: Spangler Lab welcomes postdoctoral fellow Dr. Pao Meksiriporn


June 24, 2022: Elissa's supplementary cover article is published in JACS

June 20, 2022: Spangler Lab welcomes Ph.D. students Charina Fabilane and Justyn Fine

May 11, 2022: Jamie Spangler is named the 2022 Maryland Outstanding Young Engineer

May 1, 2022: Spangler, Grayson, and Gray Labs receive an R21 from NIDCR

March 22, 2022: Undergraduate student Kathy Liu wins a PURA award

March 31, 2022: Graduate student PJ Krohl defends his PhD thesis


March 15, 2022: Graduate student Lin Yang defends her PhD thesis

March 7, 2022: Graduate student Seth Ludwig defends his PhD thesis

March 1, 2022: Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate student Jeremy Wang

February 10, 2022: Spangler Lab receives an NSF CAREER Award

January 11, 2022: Spangler Lab receives a Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award


January 1, 2022: Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate students Nick Oh, Kathy Liu, and Christian Guaraca


October 18, 2021: Undergraduate student Ranjani Ramasubramanian wins a PURA award

October 15, 2021: Spangler Lab welcomes Ph.D. student Kyle Kaeo

October 1, 2021: Spangler Lab receives a Gabrielle's Angel Foundation grant

September 1, 2021: Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate student Shanelle Cao

September 1, 2021: Spangler Lab welcomes master's student Mal Lager

August 31, 2021: Spangler Lab welcomes Ph.D. student Kevin Pietz

June 14, 2021: Derek VanDyke is selected as an ARCS/MWC Fellow


June 8, 2021: Spangler Lab welcomes research technologist Luke Tomasovic


June 1, 2021: Spangler Lab receives a Melanoma Research Alliance Young Investigator Award


May 29, 2021: Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate student Ranjani Ramasubramanian

April 5, 2021: Nzinga Mack receives an Institutional Research and Academic Career Development fellowship 


April 1, 2021: Spangler lab welcomes postdoctoral fellow Nzinga Mack


March 24, 2021: Paul Sargunas and Angela Zhu are selected as NSF Fellows


March 17, 2021: Jamie Spangler is appointed the Brody Faculty Scholar


February 15, 2021: Spangler Lab welcomes postdoctoral fellow Joe Gould


November 23, 2020: PJ Krohl's article is featured on the cover of AIChE Journal


September 1, 2020: Spangler Lab receives a JHU Catalyst Award


June 1, 2020: Undergraduate student Wade Kuo wins a Summer Provost's Undergraduate Research Award


August 24, 2020: Spangler Lab welcomes Ph.D. students Zach Bernstein and Monika Kizerwetter


April 9, 2020: Derek VanDyke is selected as an NSF Fellow

April 1, 2020: Spangler Lab receives an R01 from NIBIB


April 1, 2020: Yarema and Spangler Labs receive an R21 from NCI


February 15, 2020: Spangler Lab receives an Arab-American Frontiers Fellowship in collaboration with Dr. Ahmed Attia's group at University of Cairo


February 1, 2020: Spangler Lab receives a Bisciotti Foundation Translational Fund award

January 1, 2020: Spangler Lab receives an E. Matilda Ziegler Foundation for the Blind award

January 1, 2020: Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate student Zion Smith

December 24, 2019: Spangler Lab receives a Sanofi iAward


December 1, 2019: The Spangler Lab welcomes Masters student Edward Gebara


November 1, 2019: The Spangler Lab welcomes Ph.D. student Paul Sargunas


September 15, 2019: The Spangler Lab welcomes post-baccalaureate student Lance Lew


September 1, 2019: Spangler Lab receives an Emerson Collective Research award


September 1, 2019: Spangler Lab receives a Maryland Innovation Initiative Phase I award


July 31, 2019: Undergraduate students Wade Kuo and Dean Kim win Elenora Muly Fellowships


June 30, 2019: Spangler Lab receives a Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund Discovery award

April 8, 2019: Lin Yang and Rakeeb Kureshi are selected as NSF Fellows

April 1, 2019: Elissa Leonard and Michael Leff's highlight piece in J Biol Chem is published: "Weaponizing T-cell receptors through molecular engineering"


March 30, 2019: Undergraduate student Angela Zhu wins a Summer PURA award

February 23, 2019: PJ and Seth's review article is published in Current Opinion in Biotechnology: "Emerging technologies in protein interface engineering for biomedical applications"


January 15, 2019: Postdoc Elissa Leonard receives an NIH ASPIRE fellowship


January 1, 2019: The Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate students AJ Cariaga and Dean Kim

December 15, 2018: Derek VanDyke is selected as an Astrazeneca Scholar


November 15, 2018: Elissa Leonard joins the Spangler Lab as a postdoctoral fellow

November 1, 2018: Spangler Lab receives a V Foundation V Scholar award

October 31, 2018: Lin and PJ represent the Spangler Lab at the AIChE Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh


October 17, 2018: Rakeeb and Seth represent the Spangler Lab at the BMES Annual Meeting in Atlanta

October 10, 2018: The Spangler Lab welcomes Ph.D. student Derek VanDyke


September 1, 2018: The Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate student Alan Xu

June 10, 2018: The Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate students Wade Kuo and Angela Zhu


June 1, 2018: Undergraduate student Michael Leff wins STAR award for summer research

March 1, 2018: Rakeeb and Michelle's review article is published in Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering: "Reprogramming immune proteins as therapeutics using molecular engineering"

February 1, 2018: The Spangler Lab welcomes master's student Jonah Rosas

January 1, 2018: The Spangler Lab welcomes its first class of Ph.D. students: PJ Krohl, Seth Ludwig, and Lin Yang

January 1, 2018: The Spangler Lab welcomes undergraduate students Santiago Balza, Michael Leff, and Kristen Nixon


September 22, 2017: The Spangler Lab welcomes postdoc Jakub Tomala


September 17, 2017: The Spangler Lab welcomes Masters student Wentao Wang and undergraduate student Luce St. Surin


July 10, 2017: The Spangler Lab welcomes rotating Ph.D. student PJ Krohl, Masters student Michelle Bahri, research technologist Rakeeb Kureshi, and undergraduate student Harsh Kapadia

July 1, 2017: Jamie Spangler joins the Johns Hopkins faculty

© 2020 by Spangler Lab. Image credit: Matthew Blake Kelley.

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